Daniel Bauer has mentored thousands of school leaders via his masterminds, blog, podcasts, and live experiences.
How to Grow Your Leadership in the 2022-2023 School Year
If you want to grow your leadership this school year, then right now is your BEST opportunity to do so. Here’s why …
I have put together a REMARKABLE offer only for recipients of this very newsletter.
But first a warning … Stop reading right now if you aren’t interested in putting in some work to develop your skills this year.
I have a rule when working with leaders. They MUST demonstrate a bias for action. That’s because I’m not in the inspiration and motivation business …
I’m in the results business (and so are you).
And since I want you to experience more results in the 22-23 school year, I have put together a major opportunity for you …
I am relaunching my book Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader with three new bonuses that I’ve never bundled together before (and just wait until you see the last bonus …)
But before I describe how I’m over delivering for you today, let me explain why Mastermind is an awesome book and what you’ll learn.
If you’re ready to take your leadership to the next level this year, here is just a fraction of what’s in store for the readers of Mastermind …
- Why the current model of professional development doesn’t work, and what YOU can do instead …
- How to transform your school culture through integrating more Authenticity, Belonging, and Challenge – I call this ABCs of powerful professional development™
- What stops leaders from evolving, and how to avoid that …
- The 12 categories I look for when deciding how much potential a leader has …
- 19 tactics to build psychological safety in your school (and why Google considers it the foundation of high performing teams) …
- A counterintuitive way to build your self-awareness …
- A simple survey to identify staff members in crisis …
- Why you should say “goodbye” to core values, and “hello” to STICKY core values instead …
- How defining your school’s edges will give you a competitive advantage …
- Why expectations are TOXIC and how to create POWERFUL agreements that your staff will LOVE to honor …
- 4 SIMPLE activities you can use to create more belonging in your culture …
- The 3 keys to establishing more TRUST in your school and a framework for having conversations with your team about trust …
- My 10 favorite coaching questions I ask every leader I coach (and you can use with your staff) …
- And more …
I know, I know … That’s a lot of great material that will not only make you a better leader, but it will also help you build a better school.
But it gets even better because when you buy one copy of Mastermind this week, you’re also going to get:
BONUS ONE: My Delegation Masterclass
The most effective leaders know this to be true … you are the BOTTLENECK in your organization. Basically, projects die because of you.
I know this because I’ve experienced this myself.
In order to stop slowing down PROGRESS at your school, you must learn how to delegate better.
If you got back 20% of your time each week by learning how to effectively delegate, how would you use that BONUS time?
If you are a novice school leader, this masterclass will blow your mind …
And if you are a twenty year veteran, I’m confident the masterclass will still blow your mind.
I guarantee everyone will learn at least one idea that will improve their delegation, probably more.
In the masterclass, here is what you’ll get:
- Identify the 3 biggest obstacles to delegation
- Learn and be able to identify the 6 different levels of delegation
- Have at your fingertips, 2 different ways to sort and select the tasks that should be OFF YOUR PLATE!
- A tried-and-true process that guarantees results in advance — a fancy way of saying – you get a worksheet that clarifies your thinking and communicates exactly what you need from your team to achieve success
How are you going to respond when people notice how much more productive you’ve become?
BONUS TWO: Be the First Ruckus Maker to Get Access to My Audiobook
Now I told you that I saved the BEST for LAST.
I recently negotiated with Corwin to own 100% of the rights of my audio book. That means I can do whatever I want … like Make a Ruckus with my audio book 🙂
Now, I’m guessing you probably know me because of my podcast, and I love creating content in an audio format so you can see why this is actually the BEST bonus.
The BLBS podcast ranks in the TOP 0.5% of all podcasts worldwide. That’s out of nearly 3 million shows. And not just in the education niche. All podcasts. Everywhere. Every industry.
How did I do it?
I have a loyal following that keeps coming back because they know one thing about what I create …
When YOU do what I teach, you GROW as a leader.
It’s that simple.
Full disclosure: I’m currently working on this project so it’s not ready yet to deliver. If you’ll give me six months to finish, then I know you’ll be thrilled with what I create.
I plan on recording a TON of extra content that will go deeper into the book’s ideas and practices. I am inviting a few other guest voices to help record content and leadership training and have a few other surprises up my sleeve as well.
When this project is done, I’ll most likely sell the audiobook directly from the BLBS website and will price it at $50.
Since it’s not ready just yet, you’ll get access to the chapters as I record/produce them.
Imagine being the first Ruckus Maker to hear the audio book before it’s available anywhere online – including my website. You’ll be the envy of all the other Ruckus Makers!
Once the project is complete, I’ll deliver the entire audio file to you as a zip file.
Talk about Insider Ruckus Maker Access!
Obviously, the audiobook BONUS is awesome enough and is a great reason to buy a copy of Mastermind, but you also get the Delegation Masterclass and the training on How to Navigate Ambiguity.
BONUS THREE: Access to a LIVE training – How to Navigate Ambiguity ($100 of value).
That’s $300 of value for just $25 🤯🤯🤯
So here’s what to do next …
Click the ORDER button below and get your book and bonuses next …
Note: this deal is available until the end of the month – September 30th at 11:59:59 pm LA time.
Keep Making a Ruckus,
PS … You might think this deal is too-good-to-true, but it’s not. If you’ve been following me for a while or downloaded a resource off my site, you know why I can say with confidence, “My FREE trainings are better than most people’s paid offers.”
And the few times I do ask you to make a purchase, I really try to over deliver by adding some incredible bonuses. Take advantage of this deal right now. It’s over this Friday by 11:59:59 pm LA time.
PPS … If you are a district and want to do a BULK order … I will facilitate a leadership workshop for you for free. That’s $7K of value. Yes, I do charge $7K for half days and $12K for full. Why do I charge that much? Because I’m great at what I do.
PPS … Yes you should take advantage of this deal if you already own a copy of Mastermind. Give it to a leader who needs a copy. Or get it because you now get an autographed copy. Plus you get all the amazing bonuses!
At its heart, the mastermind is an authentic community that challenges and inspires. Thank you, Daniel, for bringing the mastermind concept to the education field and creating a space for leaders to learn from and be supported by one another.

I wrote this book because I believe that ‘Everyone wins when you get better.’ I LOVE school leaders and improving the quality of education in your community starts with principal mentorship.
After personally coaching 100+ school leaders from around the world, I have shared my PD framework for the first time.
The ABCs of powerful professional development™ are the reason the mastermind is changing the landscape of professional development school leaders experience.
- A stands for AUTHENTICITY
- B is for BELONGING
- C equals CHALLENGE
When the ABCs of powerful professional development™ are integrated into a PD experience your life and leadership will transform.
Savvy school districts and innovative school leaders will jump at this opportunity to LEVEL UP.
Keep Making a Ruckus,
Daniel Bauer
Daniel Bauer has the ability to deeply engage others in how to be better leaders, share what he has learned in the process, and offer it in a book. Mastermind is not just engaging from the first sentence; it offers research and practice that can help us have a deeper impact on leading and learning.
Though Bauer’s book is about how masterminds allow K–12 leaders to reach their potential, I recommend it for those in higher education as well. As a college president, I rely on the tools Bauer highlights: opportunities for mentorship, investment in personal growth, a push for innovation, support networks, and the capacity to see challenges and issues through multiple perspectives.
As a university professor devoted to teaching excellence, I’d heard of masterminds but didn’t know what they did or value. Daniel Bauer explains them, who does them, why, how, and what to expect from them, illustrated with stories from principals and educators who did them. Now I want to do one. I wish I’d read this book a long time ago.
- Get Mastermind autographed by the author at no extra charge!
- A download of my simple opening activities checklist.
- A curated leadership book list including all the books we’ve read in the Mastermind since 2016.
- Five bonus excerpts of writing that did not make it into the book.
- Access to The Delegation Masterclass ($100 of value) — Imagine getting back 20% of your time each week because of effective delegation. What would you do with that BONUS time?
- Access to a LIVE training: How to Navigate Ambiguity ($100 of value)
- Access to The AUDIO version of Mastermind — before it is released! ($50 of value) — There will be tons of BONUS content in this audio version and you’ll get it first!
- That’s over $300 of value for an affordable $25
NOTE: Only Ruckus Makers in the USA and Canada can order through my website because of shipping costs. If you live in another country, order from a local source and send a screenshot of your receipt to [email protected] and we will make sure you get all the bonuses. The purchase needs to be made between September 5-9, 2022.
If you order twenty (or more) copies of Mastermind, Danny will do a leadership training for your team. A workshop like this costs $7000, but for the first ten districts to take advantage of this offer, the training is 100% free.
Note: Danny is happy to come do this training LIVE with your team. If that is the case, he will need help with his flight, lodging, food, and transportation to and from the airport, but the speaking fee of $7000 will be waived. Otherwise, he can do the training virtually at no additional cost.
Complete the form below or call/text Danny at 312-788-7595
- Purchase your book(s) here and we will ship them out automatically.
- Send a screenshot or photo of your receipt to [email protected]
- Include the number of copies purchase in the subject line (e.g. “5 copy bonus”).
Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader (Regular Copy)
NOTE: Only Ruckus Makers in the USA and Canada can order through my website because of shipping costs. If you live in another country, order from a local source and send a screenshot of your receipt to [email protected] and we will make sure you get all the bonuses. The purchase needs to be made between September 5-9, 2022.

If your district would like to buy copies of Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader in bulk contact the BLBS team: [email protected]. Put bulk order in the subject line of your email.
We can offer a better deal than anything found online.