Hey Ruckus Maker… You’re Invited to Join…

The Spring Success Series

A 2-part series of workshops designed so that Ruckus Makers can finish the year strong.

How you start a year sets the tone.

But how you end a school year is what everyone will remember.

Warren Buffet said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5-minutes to ruin it.”

Don’t let all your hard work from this school year be undone by a haphazard ending to the school year.

And BEST of all … this series of workshops are 100% FREE to attend.

The Best School Year Ever Challenge begins on July 24th.

Each coaching call will take place from 6-7:30 pm ET on Zoom.

This won’t be a “sit and get” experience…

You don’t create a strong end to the school year by sitting on the sidelines. Chief Ruckus Maker, Danny Bauer, will teach you some important concepts and introduce a few tools that you will use to finish the school year strong!

Spring Success Series
No! You MUST take ACTION!

Here’s what you’ll learn over 2-workshops:

May 23: Craft Your Campus Charm: How to Standout as a School Campus

Play-It-Safe-Principals do what everyone else is doing. As a result, their campuses do not stand out. They blend in and potential teaching candidates respond with an unenthusiastic, “Meh.”

Ruckus Makers Do School Different™. They protect “Deep Work Time” so they can strategize and put in place a plan to stand apart from the competition.

This works in business and will help your school win as well. During this workshop we’ll look at three ways you can Do School Different™:

  • The importance of “languaging.”
  • Interview or PD?
  • Craft your Successful Staff Scorecard™.

May 30: Endgame Excellence: How Ruckus Makers Design a Superb Send-Off.

In this session, you’ll learn how to end the year strong and get your staff to focus on what went well.

During this workshop you’ll learn three tools you can use with your staff this end of year:

  • Tool #1: The Positive Spotlight Tool™
  • Tool #2: The Ruckus Maker End of Year Review™
  • Tool #3: A Mystery Tool on Strategy We Haven’t Shared Anywhere Else!
Danny Bauer

Meet Your Facilitator…

Danny Bauer is the Chief Ruckus Maker at Better Leaders Better Schools, a 3x bestselling author, and host of the Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast — ranked in the TOP 0.5% of all shows worldwide.

When you get better